Stonefield Farm Success!

On July 30, the Boston Area Gleaners (BAG) completed the purchase of Stonefield farm. At the same time, they granted a perpetual Agricultural Preservation Restriction to the Town of Acton and Sudbury Valley Trustees, which means that the land will be permanently protected from development. This project had many moving parts, and our thanks go to the people of Acton, who strongly supported this project, including voting to help purchase the APR from Community Preservation funds and of course to the Simeone family for their willingness to make this all happen. We also want to thank the many who supported the project through donations to the ACT/SVT Campaign for Stonefield. Thanks to you SVT and ACT were able to raise $50,000 in a very short time to help with the purchase of the APR.Stonefield Farm will serve as BAG’s new headquarters, from which they will continue to provide critically needed produce for Massachusetts families in need. At the same time, 51.5 acres of important farmland and wildlife habitat has been protected for current and future generations.