PlugIN Tour: March Clean Energy Home of the Month – Solar Panels and Batteries

PlugIN Tour: March Clean Energy Home of the Month – Solar Panels and Batteries


Saturday, March 16, 2024    
10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Event Type

Two sessions: 10:30am and 2:30pm

West Acton address sent with registration

In March,’s PlugIN campaign focuses on the theory and the practice of solar energy. Home solar panels are a great way to decrease fossil fuel use and save money on electricity. The hosts of this tour go above and beyond with a fascinating solar battery storage system that complements their ground mount solar panels, meaning that they barely draw electricity from the grid. This home is both unique and inspiring. Other homeowners at the tour will share their experiences with more traditional solar systems. The hosts—and their colleagues—are eager to answer your questions. For information and to register, click HERE.