Community Service Day, Fall 2023

ACT had a great turnout of members, friends and boy scouts from Troop 284 volunteer to put a trail from the end of Genevieve Lane into the Anderson Land, which connects to Bulette/Town Forest Conservation Land. Laurie Ullmann brought a printout about the partial solar eclipse occurring during the work, as well as a pair of solar eclipse glasses for safe viewing. Thanks Laurie! This was a special treat and everyone had a chance to look at the eclipse while we gathered and got directions for the task of trail clearing.

Following the easement from the Genevieve Lane PCRC (planned conservation residential community off Newtown Road), the trail now passes an “antique” car, goes over several rocky outcroppings, and arrives at the yellow trail. The trail is delineated by long, straight deadfall, which makes it easy to follow. Blazes in red will be added soon as well. Several downed trees posed significant challenges to clearing the trail, but we had a determined group who used pruning and bow saws to great effect. A cheer erupted each time an obstacle was removed!

The Anderson Land is also accessible from a new, 4 car parking area off of Arlington Road. The trail from this lot to the yellow trail was fairly narrow, so our volunteers tackled that section next, widening the trail to the recommended 4 feet.

Two hours of work can really make a difference when a small crowd of helpful people work together. Many thanks to everyone who volunteered!

By the way… if you haven’t walked at Bulette/Town Forest lately, check it out and bring the trail map below!