Astronomy in the Park

Astronomy in the Park


Wednesday, November 6, 2024    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Type

Date: November 6, 2024
Weather/Cloud Date: November 8, 2024
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm

Registration opens October 20, 2024

Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston will be on the fields of NARA with some incredible telescopes for a family star party. The moon will be at its first quarter phase and Jupiter will be rising in the early evening skies with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune already up for viewing!
This event is open to everyone and perfect for families, but no pets please. Families with 7th graders are encouraged to attend, as Astronomy is part of the 7th grade curriculum. **Ages 18 and under must be accompanied by an adult!** Dress warmly… bring several layers and perhaps a hat and gloves. We will be outdoors with plenty of hot beverages and other refreshments for you to enjoy.
Bring a headlamp or flashlight with a red light source to protect our night vision. We’ll have red cellophane available to cover white light sources. We ask that you follow these flashlight etiquette rules:
  • Use a small one to keep the stray light low.
  • Point it toward the ground only.
  • Cover it with several layers of red cellophane or use a red LED light. Red light doesn’t affect our adaptation to night vision unless it’s too bright or pointed directly into someone’s eyes.
Clouds or rain will cancel observing. We will consult the local weather forecast and contact you by 2:00 p.m. that day (November 6) with a GO/NO GO decision. We will also put the decision right here on our website.
This event is co-sponsored by AB STEAM and Acton Conservation Trust. For more information or questions, please contact Jody Harris at